Bayesian Analysis of Road Safety in the City of Toronto
Investigation of Road Safety in the City of Toronto using our own RShiny web-app and Bayesian semi-parametric logistic regression
Investigation of Road Safety in the City of Toronto using our own RShiny web-app and Bayesian semi-parametric logistic regression
Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) have shown great ability to generate realistic images and transfer (artistic) styles between photographs and works of art
Large-scale implementation of ML production-level pipeline in PySpark across multiple Cloud providers
Exploration of semi-parametric modeling of CO$_2$ emissions over time in Hawaii and geospatial Malaria incidence in Gambia using the Integrated Nested Laplacian Approximation (INLA) approximate Bayesian framework
We study the benefits and mixing properties of different Monte Carlo algorithms when implementing a logistic classifier on the MNIST hand-written dataset.
I study the uptake of cigarette smoking (Bayesian Survival Analysis), as well as consumption of other tobacco products (Logistic Regression), in the 2015 American National Youth Tobacco Survey, a survey of American teenagers, aged 9 to 19 years old, which collected not only indicators on the usage of different tobacco products, but also demographic data.